Zecher App

Please click on the respective button to be redirected directly to our Zecher app in your appstore. There you can easily download the app.

Zecher App
App Store

For iOS

Play Store

For Android

IMPORTANT: Since the information about the company-owned Zecher roller park in the login area is assigned by company ID, we ask you to register with a unique email address. If your email address is not verified by the system as a company contact, please send us a short message using the “Contact us” button in the guest access of the app. We will then take care of activating your access as quickly as possible.

After successful verification of the email address you will receive a system generated password from the sender “Anilox Rollers”. If you do not find this password in your inbox, please also check the spam folder. The password can be changed later in the app under “Services”.

In case of registration problems please contact marketing@zecher.com.